Monday, December 05, 2005

Washington DC, December - Snow and Glow

I hate working in the government space. Most people who know me only wonder why I am working at my current contract. I also wonder.

In 2004 and early 2005, I sub-contracted to CGI-AMS at USAID (Washington DC) and completed most of the webMethods work. Government work is predictable, slow and plodding.

On the other hand, commercial work is usually characterized by a fast-paced, no-nonsense approach to getting things done.

Government Red tape, "unknown" security requirements, architecture "by committee" meetings and other precarious jaw-dropping methods are not the norm in commercial. After all, companies are profit driven.

So, I sit in my office here in DC and wonder about when the snow will hit us and smile knowing that my Subaru AWD sits in the garage, ready to battle the ice and snow!

One day, I know that I'll get back to commercial! But until then, I'll give the tax payers more than their money's worth as I sit here designing and developing a state of the art automatic payment system.

Now that I've spewed out my thoughts for this morning, I guess I'll get back to finishing the automatic backup code that I referenced in an earlier post.

The code is fairly complete, but doesn't have any documentation. I'm going to audit the code, add comments, and make optimization changes.

Here's to another great webMethods day!


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