Saturday, August 14, 2004

Charlie Came and Went

All is well on the North-Eastern side of Orlando with the passing of Charley. I am lucky I suppose, because I live in a newer house in a new subdivision.

We have no exposed wires, no electric, no cable, no telephone above the ground.

The only wires above the ground are the main electric grid feed wires, and somehow, they managed to stay put.

Once Charley made ground, it sucked in a bunch of dry air and this caused the Hurricane to significantly lose power.

When it hit my neighborhood, winds were blowing about 60 mph, and gusting to about 90-95.

I lost no trees, bushes, etc. and a cursory check of my house is a thumbs up. Most of the neighbors fared the same except for fences down and an occasional tree.

We did lose our street sign. I can live with that.

The electric flickered on and off several times, but it always came back. We never lost cable or phone (to our knowledge.)


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